CRM System


In today's fast-paced business environment, staying ahead means keeping all your customer information organised, accessible, and up to date. WorkforceMgr's Complete CRM System is designed to be the cornerstone of your customer relationship management, ensuring that everything you need to know about your customers is always right at your fingertips, in one centralised location.

Key Features of WorkforceMgr's CRM System

  • Unlimited Company Records: Keep detailed records of every interaction with an unlimited number of companies, ensuring no detail is ever missed.
  • Unlimited Company Contact Records: Manage extensive contact details for individuals within these companies, enabling personalised communication and relationship building.
  • Related Companies & Sites: Easily link and manage records for associated companies and their sites, providing a comprehensive view of your network.
  • Fully Customisable and Searchable Keywords: Tailor your CRM with company and contact-specific keywords that make searching and segmenting your database a breeze.
  • Comprehensive Notes: Keep track of all interactions, meetings, and notes related to companies and contacts, ensuring valuable information is always accessible.
  • Inbuilt Email Newsletter Module: Engage with your contacts through beautifully crafted email marketing campaigns. Create, send, and track the effectiveness of your campaigns, all from within WorkforceMgr.
  • Advanced Security and Access Levels: Control who has access to sensitive company and contact records, with customisable security levels to protect your data.
  • OH&S Compliance & Reporting: Stay on top of occupational health and safety compliance with integrated reporting tools, making it easier to maintain a safe working environment for your employees and clients.

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